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Script Details (viewed 526,342 times)
Script title: First Sin
Script Author Ed Sehr: Profile | Scripts
Date uploaded: April 30 2002
Average rating:
8.6 (Very good)
104 votes (View)
Description: Sammy disobeyed his Mom and ended up being covered in flour. He talks about what happened with Simon and Rachel. The 'flour' also got up Sammy's nose resulting in a lot of sneezing.
Message from Ed Sehr: I've gotten more positive feedback on this script than any other I have written. It has been performed on 4 continents and translated into 2 or 3 languages. If you use it, please let me know how it worked for you. Thanks
Keywords: Bible, Bible Stories, Creation, Family, Forgiveness, Fun, God, Helping others, Jesus, Obedience, Parents, Patience, Responsibility, Self-control, Sin
Most appropriate ages:  From 3 yrs old, to 7 yrs old
Materials: Paper bag, paper bag with eye holes, squeeze bottle of powder (can get messy)
Number of puppets: 3
Number of non-puppets (ie humans): 0
Approximate running time: 5-10 (minutes)
Script language: English
Christian/Non-Christian/Either: Christian
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Translations Available:
Italian: Disobbedienza E Il Primo Peccato
Spanish: First Sin
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