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The information below was supplied by the author.   Please let us know if anything seems wildly inaccurate.

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Hi!  Here are some details about myself:
My name is: Jason Justice
I have a home page at: www.sammson.com/puppet_scripts_index.php   | Is this Link Broken?
My occupation (when I'm not doing puppets!) is: Web developer
My approximate age is: 35 - 45
I live in the state of: MI
... in the country of: United States
Here's some information about my church or puppetry organisation:
My organisation's name is:
My organisation's website is at:
Some of My Puppetry Background
Q: Why do you write puppet scripts? What motivates you?
I usually write them for my own use and then since they are written anyway, share them with others in case they can use them. Sharing Jesus with kids motivates me.
Q: Tell us about your church or puppet organisation.
I've done puppet ministry at a few different churches along the way. I've always written my own scripts so I wanted to share them with others in case they might be able to use them.
Q: How did you get started in puppets and what attracted you to this area?
I've been interested in puppets ever since I can remember. Shows like Sesame Street, Mister Roger's Neighborhood, Mr. Dressup, Captain Kangaroo... all of them featured puppets and I grew up with those and loved 'em.
Q: Where does your inspiration come from to write puppet scripts?
From God. I'd never think of anything creative or worthwhile without Him guiding me. Also my kids... they enjoy seeing me act silly. :-)
Q: What advice would you give to someone just starting out in puppetry?
Listen to and learn from all advice and critiques of your work. It may not feel good at first but it will help you to be the best you can be.
Q: Who are your favourite puppet characters and what do you like about them?
I love Telly from Sesame Street because of his expressive eyelids and his one-of-a-kind voice. He has a great personality too. I also love all the characters on Kids Like You on Christian TV. They are real and down-to-earth. My kids and I love that show.
Q: What are the most important qualities in great puppet scripts?
Good characters, humor and a good moral at the end. Well-written scripts should have some stage directions too.
Q: What would you do if you were a puppet?
I would dance and sing whenever I felt like it and make fun of humans. :-)
And here are some other scripts by me/us:
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Looking for something apart from a puppet skit? Try the Links and How To sections.

1. The Fruit Of The Spirit Part 1: Love by Jason Justice Profile available - View script

Rating: 9.1 , Votes: 197

This is the first in my series on the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22. The rest of the scripts are available at http://www.sammson.com/puppet_scripts_index.php
Keywords: Bible  Bible Stories  Born again  Choice  Church  Family  Forgiveness  Friendship  Fruit Of The Spirit  God  Golden Rule  Helping others  Holy Spirit  Jesus  Love  Salvation  Sharing  
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