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Hi [[friendname]] I saw this puppet script on Puppet Resources website. [[message]] Puppet Script Details: Good Rangers 2 ============== Red Ranger has decided that a life of crime fits him better, and decides to go after the good guys alone. After being beaten, the villain and the other good rangers explain to him how import fellowship and working with one another is. https://www.puppetresources.com/index.php?what=viewscript&scriptID=3080 This message was sent to you by Puppet Resources at the request of [[fromname]]. Puppet Resources "Freely Receive, Freely Give" https://www.puppetresources.com
Script Details:
Good Rangers 2
Red Ranger has decided that a life of crime fits him better, and decides to go after the good guys alone. After being beaten, the villain and the other good rangers explain to him how import fellowship and working with one another is.
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