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The information below was supplied by the author.   Please let us know if anything seems wildly inaccurate.

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Hi!  Here are some details about myself:
My name is: MP3 Harrison UMC, Pineville, NC
I have a home page at:
My occupation (when I'm not doing puppets!) is: Home maker
My approximate age is: 25 - 35
I live in the state of: NC
... in the country of: USA
Here's some information about my church or puppetry organisation:
My organisation's name is: Mp3 Minstry Through Puppetery For The Trinity
My organisation's website is at: www.harrisonumyf.com/   | Is this Link Broken?
Some of My Puppetry Background
Q: Why do you write puppet scripts? What motivates you?
To share the love of Jesus in a fun and exciting way.
Q: Tell us about your church or puppet organisation.
We are a brand new ministry at Harrison United Methodist Church in Pineville NC and we are excited puppets.
Q: How did you get started in puppets and what attracted you to this area?
I enjoyed doing puppet ministry as a teen.
Q: Where does your inspiration come from to write puppet scripts?
Q: What advice would you give to someone just starting out in puppetry?
Plan your rehersals well in advance.
Q: Who are your favourite puppet characters and what do you like about them?
I have some "Sally's Stuff" scripts from the early 80s (now out of print) that I love.
Q: What are the most important qualities in great puppet scripts?
Emphasizing the point, keeping it simple, and humor.
Q: What would you do if you were a puppet?
I'd sing and dance all day.
And here are some other scripts by me/us:
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2 scripts found. Displaying results 1 to 2:

Can't find exactly what you're looking for? Why not write your own script and post it here!

1. A Red Balloon by MP3 Harrison UMC, Pineville, NC Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.7 , Votes: 24

2 puppet script used for Promotion Sunday. Katie brings a balloon to church because she is excited and explains to Jessica what the balloon represents.
Keywords: Church  God  Jesus  Love  Praise and worship  
2. Balaam, Balak & The Talking Donkey by MP3 Harrison UMC, Pineville, NC Profile available - View script

Rating: 0.0 , Votes: 0

This is about a 12 minute script with 7 characters. Can be performed with 4 - 5 puppeteers. Requires a Donkey puupet. Teaches us that God speaks in many different ways, and sometimes, it's hard to get our attention.
Keywords: Angels  Bible Stories  Choice  God  Speaking  
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