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Hi!  Here are some details about myself:
My name is: Michael Hutton
I have a home page at: comingdawn.blogspot.com/   | Is this Link Broken?
My occupation (when I'm not doing puppets!) is: Pastor
My approximate age is: 35 - 45
I live in the state of: New South Wales
... in the country of: Australia
Here's some information about my church or puppetry organisation:
My organisation's name is: Tamworth Baptist Church
My organisation's website is at: tamworthbaptist.org.au/   | Is this Link Broken?
Some of My Puppetry Background
Q: Why do you write puppet scripts? What motivates you?
I write Puppet Scripts for fun and because I do a lot of stuff with kids.
Q: Tell us about your church or puppet organisation.
I work in a great church in a small city in rural Australia. Puppets break the ice when you are trying to take the message of Christmas or Easter to a group of cynical high school students. Puppets also help a presentation meet all ages in the audience.
Q: How did you get started in puppets and what attracted you to this area?
A friend asked me to help with a puppet show for her christmas lesson in religious education at the local public school. I couldn't see anything, but I could tell the kids loved it.
Q: Where does your inspiration come from to write puppet scripts?
There are definitely two streams of inspiriation for me: Necessity and Opportunity. Sometimes I sit down and plug out a script because I have to do a kids spot (etc) and really want to use puppets. Sometimes I stumble across an idea (mostly it's steal an idea) and then work and polish that idea into a script. It's great when the two streams come together.
Q: What advice would you give to someone just starting out in puppetry?
Keep a jornal/file/notebook of ideas and notes. Anything that strikes you or catches your fancy, copy it or write it down. These snippets often make the backbone of a great skit later.
Q: Who are your favourite puppet characters and what do you like about them?
My favourite puppet character hasn't been stitched together yet. He's still in my head. He is an alien who is smart, but dopey about the real world at the same time. He's mischevious and beligerant even scary, but able to learn and ultimately caring. He will have eye stalks that move and a nose that lights up.
My favourite existing character is Rudolph Kringle from Jeff Robson's Christmas, becaue he introduced me to the power of puppets to make kids laugh and listen.
Q: What are the most important qualities in great puppet scripts?
Biblical content - (in the context of Christian ministry) a puppet script must both agree with the Bible and help listeners to understand the Bible.
Humour if appropriate. Drama when appropriate
Q: What would you do if you were a puppet?
Same as now. Laugh at myself!
And here are some other scripts by me/us:
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47 scripts found. Displaying results 1 to 10:

Searching for arm will find matches where text contains "arm", "armour", or "harmless", but not "archimedes"

1. The Ragman by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 9.2 , Votes: 15

A puppet adaptation of that great story
Keywords: Choice  Easter  Forgiveness  Healing  Jesus  Love  Mercy  Sacrifice  
2. The Lost Script About The Lost Coin by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 9.0 , Votes: 11

It's a simple story, right - what could go wrong?
Keywords: Angels  Eternal Life  Forgiveness  God  Heaven  Parable  Repentance  Salvation  
3. Honk The Hairy Angels by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.8 , Votes: 24

Danny's favourite Christmas carol is "Honk the Hairy angels sing" but eventually he discovers it has nothing to do with flying bikies.
Keywords: Angels  Christmas  Salvation  
4. Bible Days by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.8 , Votes: 6

A short script wrapped around a song to encourage us to read the Bible every day. Put together with a lot of help from Simone.
Keywords: Bible  Fun  Song  
5. Julie Andrews Sings The Gospel by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.7 , Votes: 18

The gospel message in song. I don't think Julie Andrews is available for singing any more, but you may have a good singer you can call on.
Keywords: Creation  Death  Easter  Faith  God  Jesus  Love  Sacrifice  Sin  Song  
6. Captain Fork's Treasure (matthew 6:19-21) by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.6 , Votes: 8

Captain Fork's troubles keeping his earthly treasure helps him to discover the value of heavenly things.
Keywords: Bible Stories  Eternal Life  Greed  Heaven  Materialism  Money  Priorities  
7. My Missionary Is Broken by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.4 , Votes: 14

A fun way to realise that missionaries need a team of supporters at home to help them in their work. Refers to Romans 10:13-15.
Keywords: Helping others  Missions  Prayer  
8. Christmas - The Season Of Good Fill by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.4 , Votes: 5

Terrence the lovable monster learns that Christmas is more than chocolate coated snails and mice cream, and also that it is OK to celebrate at Christmas time too.
Keywords: Christmas  
9. Love The Lord Your God by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.3 , Votes: 5

Terrence the monster uses all his brains, muscles and heart to help us work out what Mark 12:30 means.
Keywords: Character  Choice  Faithfulness  God  Heart  Love  VBS  
10. Tsunami Tragedy 1: Why?? by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.2 , Votes: 4

What do you say when someone asks why did God let it happen... This doesn't give all the answers, but it is one answer, a place to start.
Keywords: Adversity  Death  Grief  
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