Hi! Here are some details about myself: |
My name is: |
Alden Long |
I have a home page at: |
My occupation (when I'm not doing puppets!) is: |
Software engineer |
My approximate age is: |
0 |
I live in the state of: |
Massachusetts |
... in the country of: |
Here's some information about my church or puppetry organisation: |
My organisation's name is: |
New Life Community Church |
My organisation's website is at: |
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Some of My Puppetry Background |
Q: Why do you write puppet scripts? What motivates you? |
I got a dog puppet with a Sunday school curriculum, but I didn't like some of the scripts they provided. I began writing a few of my own. |
Q: Tell us about your church or puppet organisation. |
New Life Community Church, Georgetown, Massachusetts. Family church - everyone treated like family. |
Q: How did you get started in puppets and what attracted you to this area? |
Started teaching Sunday School for 4-8 year old kids this year. I love puppets. |
Q: Where does your inspiration come from to write puppet scripts? |
I try to boil down the essence of my Bible lesson for the week, and create a kid's script that illustrates the point. But it has to have humor as well. |
Q: What advice would you give to someone just starting out in puppetry? |
Try it. It's fun, and the kids love it. |
Q: Who are your favourite puppet characters and what do you like about them? |
I mostly use Theo, a "faith retriever" dog puppet available from group publishing (https://www.group.com/category/ministry-resources/childrens-ministry/sunday-school/kidsown-worship/products.do) |
Q: What are the most important qualities in great puppet scripts? |
Humor is a big one, but also content. It needs to bring home an important point. Kids love to see the puppet make mistakes, but they also learn from them. |
Q: What would you do if you were a puppet? |
Not answered yet. |