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Category Selected: Sacrifice

64 scripts found. Displaying results 1 to 10:

Searching for three little pigs will find matches only where text contains this exact phrase.

1. The Ragman by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 9.2 , Votes: 15

A puppet adaptation of that great story
Keywords: Choice  Easter  Forgiveness  Healing  Jesus  Love  Mercy  Sacrifice  
2. The Cage by Puppet2Puppet Productions Presents... - View script

Rating: 9.1 , Votes: 103

Using a simple metaphor, Preacherman illustrates the age-old struggle between Good and Evil.
Keywords: Adversity  Choice  Easter  Faith  Freedom  God  Jesus  Praise and worship  Sacrifice  
3. The Lost Sheep by Ed Sehr Profile available - View script

Rating: 9.0 , Votes: 17

Jonas the reporter travels back in time to find the shepherd from the parable of the lost sheep. * Script changed to add attacking lion.*
Keywords: Animals  Bible  Bible Stories  Courage  Eternal Life  Fear  Fun  Helping others  Leadership  Love  Parable  Punch And Judy  Responsibility  Sacrifice  Salvation  
4. Heaven Needs Firemen by Puppet2Puppet Productions Presents... - View script

Rating: 8.8 , Votes: 106

This play takes a tough subject (September 11th)and puts it into a Christian context for the kids to understand. [Because the play involves the death of a parent, the ideal age group is kids age 5-9.]
Keywords: Courage  Death  Devil  Family  Heaven  Hell  Jesus  Parents  Responsibility  Sacrifice  Work  
5. The Great Secret Mission by Ettie Evans Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.7 , Votes: 13

Double-O-Zero (Carl) learns his next secret mission is not so secret. Headquarters Chief, D (Daffney) advises Double-O-Zero his greatest mission ever is to share Jesus with the lost and gives him a "license to tell".
Keywords: Bible  Bible Stories  Courage  Disciples  Evangelism  Faithfulness  Jesus  Leadership  Missions  Obedience  Persistence  Priorities  Responsibility  Sacrifice  Salvation  Servant  Sharing  Work  
6. Julie Andrews Sings The Gospel by Michael Hutton Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.7 , Votes: 18

The gospel message in song. I don't think Julie Andrews is available for singing any more, but you may have a good singer you can call on.
Keywords: Creation  Death  Easter  Faith  God  Jesus  Love  Sacrifice  Sin  Song  
7. Sometimes You Get What You Need by David Breidenbach - View script

Rating: 8.6 , Votes: 36

Story of two brothers who have falling out. A carpenter comes into their lives and straightens things out.
Keywords: Anger  Character  Choice  Courage  Faith  Family  Fear  Forgiveness  Friendship  Greed  Healing  Helping others  Love  Miracle  Pride  Priorities  Respect  Responsibility  Sacrifice  Self-control  Selfishness  Sensitivity  Sharing  Speaking  
8. Doubting Nigel by Ettie Evans Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.4 , Votes: 5

When Nigel attempts to tell a story, he is interrupted by his friends for not going to a fundraiser. Seems Nigel doubts enough money will be raised. But Daffney convinces him we shouldn't doubt as Thomas did, but rather place all our faith in God.
Keywords: Bible  Bible Stories  Character  Disciples  Faith  Helping others  Jesus  Love  Obedience  Persistence  Priorities  Responsibility  Sacrifice  Stewardship  Trust  Work  
9. Broken Crayons by JR Brothers Ministries - View script

Rating: 8.4 , Votes: 6

The story of the widow's offering.
Keywords: Animals  Bible  Bible Stories  Faithfulness  Generosity  Giving  Humility  Jesus  Money  Sacrifice  
10. Words Do Hurt by Niome Hernandez Picture available Profile available - View script

Rating: 8.3 , Votes: 5

This skit is about praying for those who pick on us. There's also a message that fighting is not the answer.
Keywords: Adversity  Anger  Bible  Character  Choice  Courage  Evangelism  Faithfulness  Family  Fear  Forgiveness  Friendship  God  Golden Rule  Grace  Growth  Heart  Helping others  Honesty  Jesus  Love  Mercy  Parents  Peace  Prayer  Priorities  Sacrifice  Safet  
Displaying results 1 to 10
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Category Count Category Count
Abortion 0 Adoption 17
Adversity 85 Angels 0
Anger 0 Animals 134
Apologetics 33 Authority 49
Baptism 0 Beauty 18
Bible 348 Bible Stories 348
Bitterness 40 Born again 152
Bullying 17 Character 275
Cheating 19 Choice 238
Christmas 120 Church 115
Communion 9 Confusion 83
Cooperation 34 Courage 139
Creation 59 Death 55
Devil 43 Disciples 51
Drug Prevention 24 Easter 76
End Of The Year 4 Eternal Life 117
Evangelism 158 Evolution 12
Failure 34 Fairy Tales 14
Faith 275 Faithfulness 97
Family 134 Fathers Day 7
Fear 105 Forgiveness 201
Freedom 25 Friendship 206
Fruit Of The Spirit 43 Fun 267
Generation-Z 25 Generosity 61
Giving 106 God 388
Golden Rule 56 Good Hygiene 9
Gossip 11 Grace 0
Greed 55 Grief 20
Growth 64 Halloween 8
Healing 46 Heart 49
Heaven 87 Hell 29
Helping others 227 Holy Spirit 40
Honesty 62 Hope 15
Humility 55 Identity 47
Image Of God 46 Impossible 2
Independence Day 4 Introductions 36
Jesus 424 Joy 56
Judging 43 Lazy 25
Leadership 35 Love 210
Lying 58 Materialism 61
Mercy 59 Miracle 62
Missions 44 Money 62
Muppets 13 New Years 4
Obedience 157 Parable 75
Parents 71 Patience 50
Patriotism 0 Peace 35
Pentecost 6 Persecution 23
Persistence 57 Politeness 21
Power 68 Praise and worship 53
Prayer 110 Pride 36
Priorities 110 Promises 65
Punch And Judy 12 Repentance 84
Respect 69 Responsibility 102
Resurrection 32 Revenge / Vengeance 6
Sacrifice 64 Safety 13
Salvation 181 Science 24
Science Fiction 0 Second Coming 19
Self-control 83 Selfishness 50
Sensitivity 52 Servant 30
Sharing 99 Sin 185
Song 20 Speaking 42
Special 41 St. Patrick 4
Stealing 30 Stewardship 21
Talents 0 Teasing 38
Temptation 55 Tenderness 21
Thanksgiving 26 Tolerance 37
Trust 89 Truth 116
Valentines 14 VBS 116
Ventriloquist 50 Vision 21
Western 22 Wisdom 38
Wishing 13 Work 40


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