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Script title: A Christmas Day Skit
Script Author Granite Action Puppets: Profile | Scripts
Date uploaded: November 22 2005
Average rating:
7.7 (Good)
4 votes (View)
Description: It is Christmas Day on a Sunday and Nick is at Junior Church all excited about what he is going to get. Megan has to remind to Nick what Christmas is really about
Message from Granite Action Puppets: This skit can be used (if modified) for any Christmas, but it was made specifically for this years Christmas and any other Christmas that is on a Sunday.
Keywords: Bible Stories, Christmas, Easter, Jesus, Resurrection, Salvation
Most appropriate ages:  From 8 yrs old, to 12 yrs old
Number of puppets: 1
Number of non-puppets (ie humans): 1
Approximate running time: 3-5 (minutes)
Script language: English
Christian/Non-Christian/Either: Christian
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