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Script Details (viewed 52,377 times)
Script title: Where's My Father?
Script Author Puppet2Puppet Productions Presents...: Profile | Scripts
Date uploaded: January 11 2004
Average rating:
8.8 (Very good)
14 votes (View)
Description: Sadly, more and more kids in our congregation have an "absent father". In this story, Pastor helps Bobby to understand that he still has a Father who can give him some great advice.
Message from Puppet2Puppet Productions Presents...: Here's a chance to reach those kids with "absent fathers." It has a great message both for the kids AND for the Dads. Because Dads need to keep the promise!
Keywords: Adoption, Character, Family, Giving, God, Parents
Most appropriate ages:  From 6 yrs old, to 14 yrs old
Number of puppets: 1
Number of non-puppets (ie humans): 1
Approximate running time: 3-5 (minutes)
Script language: English
Christian/Non-Christian/Either: Christian
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